Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Dear Anonymous

Bring your popcorn ladies, gentlemen, and those in transition.

We have ourselves an anonymous commenter who feels a certain way. I wanted to respond to this person publicly, to show them what blogging is about. And my response - keep on reading.

Anonymous said...
You live in an imaginary world, wake up and smell the coffee. Be true to yourself and not lie to people. Tell the people who you are and don’t make up things in your head. Because personally I actually know u and what u post is completely untrue about yourself. Good luck with your lies

9:42 AM

Anonymous said...
Good day Lamya

I find your blogs quiet interesting but yet at the same time it appears to me that you a lady of many words but no actions.
It sounds rather strange but it sounds like you live in a glass house. Lady if you going to appear living in your glass house just be prepared when the glass breaks, everybody will see the true you.
The glass will cut you and your little portrait you sketching.

2:17 PM

Lamya said...
Dear Anonymous

I was thinking of deleting your comments, but you know, there's actually no reason to.

There's a reason why my blog is interesting - just because its online doesn't mean it has to be true, or that it is a lie.

A blog is a place where I am free to express myself, how-ever I feel that form of expression may take place. It can be the most amazing fiction I have ever written, or it can be a true account of the most intimate and heartbreaking moments of my life.

I could be a man trying to express himself through a woman's eyes, I could be a child or a transgender individual. I could be a mother, a lover, a fighter, or a b*tch. I could be neither of them ever or all of them at once.

Blogging is about writing, and writing takes many forms, from holy books divinely revealed, to scientific accounts of actual happenings, to Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Writing can be cold, erotic, factual, fictional, dreamy, alarming, shocking, classic, inspirational -in fact, open the dictionary and search for an adjective, and you will have what writing is. Blogging is amorphous, and as many personalities as human beings have, so too, do blogs have.

This is the beauty of blogging. It is a place where people are themselves, whoever they imagine themselves to be at that moment, an escape from daily life, or maybe a prison in it..and it doesn't neccesarily mean that it all has to be your version of truth, whatever that may be.

In fact, this world with all its beauty and amazing grace, would be less without our imaginations. You and me would not be having this conversation if someone, somewhere, hadn't to imagine the first version of the internet into existence. Welcome to creativity, take the first step into the rest of your life :)

With utmost respect,

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