Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Happy Place

This is a picture of my happy place.

Its at Signal Hill, and this is as the sun is setting..


Anonymous said...

Just stoppin by to say Salaam and hope you doin well!!we busy at the moment with hajees all returning-have you performed Haj-if yes can you tell us about it please

Lamya said...

Hi Mrs KZN, its so good to hear from u. Yes, I have performed Hajj, and its an intensely spiritual and very personal experience. Well, for me it was anyways. So, as this blog is a public domain, I dont really feel that something that personal should be shared online. For me, it something I love talking about face-to-face, where something of the spirit can be shared.. I hope I havent offended you with my explanation?

Anonymous said...

Slmz-hope u well-miss readin your blog-please continue! How's the new year going for you?you still in South Africa? Take care--Mrs.KZN

Katie said...

While tempting avoid rolling the piano on the casters that they have as most casters are decorative and not for functional purposes, and may actually end up scuffing your flooring. Quite simply, you need find out what exactly you really want to achieve. This makes it even harder for a purchaser to choose a piano that is suits them best. Get the idea? These seven notes are repeated all up and down the keys. In this article I am going to show you how to play some chords, put them together and play a sing along you will hopefully recognise.