Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Kittehs

Another post dedicated to MOCHNESS!! <- thirty foot high dedication in neon lights

This is Layla. She is my teenage cat, and loves spending time outside.. She isnt afraid of dogs, and here she is hanging out with Roxy, my dog..

Then theres my little cutesy and very naughty baby kitteh, Zeen Q. Wierd name, I know. Dont ask. Isnt she adorable?

Monday, October 18, 2010


What a chilled out weekend. Cant believe that Ive gone from sandboarding and go-karting to half-past-BORING!

My weekend = visitors, movies, beach, walking, tae-bo, lunch, and home.

I resolve to do something exciting next weekend. Like maybe going to look for sharks on a dive :).. Yes, the water calls.

For the moment, this post was brought to you by flu-lamya, from bed and pillow news.

Saturday, October 09, 2010


So coming back to blogging a few years after I left off leaves me with the thought..why?

Why have I come back? Why do I keep writing? What am I writing about.. In short, what am I aiming to achieve by writing here?

And the answer is...Nothing.

In my daily life of constantly doing my best, constant goal-setting, and the motivation that keeps me going, I need a place where I can Everyone needs that. Every. Single. One. Of. Us.

I write here because I can. And in the mere pleasure of being able to set my mind free, to write without fear of reprisal, my spirit soars and rejoices.

Even if its a few minutes every week, I seek that expression.. In mundane topics, that allow me to ground myself. That lets me focus on the joys around us, instead of replying to email, talking on the phone, and typing that oh-so-important document ALL at the same time. I'd become lost in the doing.. and even though this blog may not be about a specific topic, its my way of letting my soul have its 'chicken soup'..

So. In the few minutes in a queue, in a commute, lunch-time at the office..take a load off. Do something useful. Just. Be.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Girls Gone Mild

So theres a revolution out there, one that espouses the modest in us, one that enhances our natural state of being.

Coming from a period of wild days, I feel like I've come full circle, like the modesty in my life is precious and I cant say it better than this:

"When I chose to embrace modesty I wasn't just choosing to change my wardrobe. There honestly wasn't a whole lot that needed changing. But finding the few things that did need changing helped me to identify the attitudes that REALLY needed changing, for it really was my attitudes and beliefs that needed to be brought under the cover of truth about modesty, not so much my clothing.

When I chose to be more modest, I was shocked by what I saw in myself. I stopped obsessing about what I saw in the physical mirror and finally began to grieve about what I saw in the spiritual mirror. I had exchanged the truth about real beauty, the beauty that comes from being honest, intellegent, compassionate, confident and whole for lies about the importance of waist size, bra size or any other size. While choosing modesty helps to protect us from revealing our most vulnerable parts to the outside world, it also allowed me to reveal some of the most vulnerable and desperate parts of myself to the person who most needed to see them: Me."

Link for the above quote