Monday, October 18, 2010


What a chilled out weekend. Cant believe that Ive gone from sandboarding and go-karting to half-past-BORING!

My weekend = visitors, movies, beach, walking, tae-bo, lunch, and home.

I resolve to do something exciting next weekend. Like maybe going to look for sharks on a dive :).. Yes, the water calls.

For the moment, this post was brought to you by flu-lamya, from bed and pillow news.


Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum! Hope you get well soon!!! Have you ever visited KZN,if yes,then maybe you can do a post about it. Mrs KZN

Anonymous said...
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Lamya said...

Hi Mrs KZN, then most Ive seen of the province is Mini Town, Ushaka marine world and gateway So not much help on posting about a very rich and vibrant province..

Mocha, my studies are trying very hard to swallow me whole, and there will be no trace left, not even the bones. Im trying my hand at a PhD in reproductive health so I totally get you. I do subscribe to the maxim of 'word hard,play hard' so generally my weekends are a bit more fun filled than lunch and visiting the neighbours lol. Ive made a pact that I wont work on weekend unless totally necessary, which works for me.. I was killing myself and decided not to, anymore. My weights gone down coz now I have two days that I actually cook instead of living off two minute noodles.. So a weekend off, really pays ..