Saturday, October 09, 2010


So coming back to blogging a few years after I left off leaves me with the thought..why?

Why have I come back? Why do I keep writing? What am I writing about.. In short, what am I aiming to achieve by writing here?

And the answer is...Nothing.

In my daily life of constantly doing my best, constant goal-setting, and the motivation that keeps me going, I need a place where I can Everyone needs that. Every. Single. One. Of. Us.

I write here because I can. And in the mere pleasure of being able to set my mind free, to write without fear of reprisal, my spirit soars and rejoices.

Even if its a few minutes every week, I seek that expression.. In mundane topics, that allow me to ground myself. That lets me focus on the joys around us, instead of replying to email, talking on the phone, and typing that oh-so-important document ALL at the same time. I'd become lost in the doing.. and even though this blog may not be about a specific topic, its my way of letting my soul have its 'chicken soup'..

So. In the few minutes in a queue, in a commute, lunch-time at the office..take a load off. Do something useful. Just. Be.


N/A said...

nice blog

Lamya said...

Thanks Saving :)

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading this post, especially since I empathize with how you feel towards your blog. Expressing whatever pops in our heads is a great outlet for the stressful lives we have. Besides, thinking of things to post is a nice thing to think about when on the bus, bored in class, or when you're in bed and are trying to go to sleep. I despise the latter, though, because I'd be too tired to note anything down and I'd forget all about it the next day.

Lamya said...

Thank goodness for BB/iphone/nokia/whatever smartphone ur into. I update my comments from my phone, jot down blog ideas etc.

blogging kinda tops every other method of writing down random thoughts, as you find the commenting is always welcome, whether the commenters agree with you or not..